Clinical Development Fellow applications now open for August 2014.
Why is Edinburgh EM different?
One Patient Pathway
Robin Mitchell Medic 1 Fellowship 2014
ED Crowding Conundrum
An Introduction to the Medic One Simulation Team
Who Needs a Redirection Policy?
RIE Emergency Department Kaizen update
Andy Currie posts the update of our Kaizen workstreams:
I. One Patient Pathway
The One Patient Pathway is progressing well and we plan to run a trial day of the new process on the 4th Feb (there has been a delay in this due to the delay in changing the front door access to the Department). This will be followed by a full weeks trial- WC 10th Feb. Our plan is to learn and adapt, where needed, the process as a result of this testing ahead of a projected go-live date of 17th March.
2. Management system
The escalation loop and performance charts will be piloted at the same time and amended where needed. Meantime you should be aware of the new “ED Huddle” which takes place daily at 8.45am every day – each role from the Department is represented and it’s an opportunity to understand exactly how the Department is performing, any shortfalls in staffing levels, issues within the hospital etc. – your team leader should then be feeding back to you all, so that the full department has sight of this info on a daily basis.
3. Recognition
We have introduced a new “recognition” system which is a direct result of the staff survey. A lot of feedback was received concerning the lack of recognition for a job well done, so this new process will allow feedback from your peers and from your patients. You should see a “Have your say” box in the staff room. There are nomination forms for recognising a colleague who has gone above and beyond their normal duties as well as forms for patients who may want to thank a specific member of the team. I have attached a flyer to this newsletter with further details, can I encourage you all to consider filling one of these in for someone you would like to recognise?
4. Communication
We are working on producing a weekly news bulletin that will come out hardcopy and by e mail that will be used to summarise any communication relevant to the department over the previous week. It will contain only the top-line info and will signpost you to further details as well as say how long it will take to read and its importance level, so you can judge what’s relevant to yourself in your role.
5. Road-show
We are planning a road-show WC 3rd March where you will all be invited to attend a working lunch (similar to the one done when care rounding was introduced) to hear from the project team first hand on the changes we have developed and what it will mean for you. We are also keen to hear your feedback on making this a continuous improvement cycle.