Toronto POCUS

The last week of POCUS has been great.  This week we have been consolidating what we have been learning and it's encouraging to see everyone in the group improve in the ultrasounding - in particular the 4 chamber heart view!  Teaching on Wednesday was good with an update of ultrasound in paediatric cardiac application and a review of chapters on retinal detachment and vitreous haemorrhage. We then spent time discussing a paper on radial fractures and then reviewing the imaging done that week.  On Thursday we were doing ultrasounding with a staff member (Consultant) who is one of the main teachers in ultrasound – was really good to get some pointers and guidance from her.  We have had a really good time together as a group learning from the fellows and from each other.


I had my last ED shift on the Wednesday evening – in an area called Urgent Care.  Mainly seeing minor injuries but good to see the management similarities and differences.  I have been able to observe 3 traumas which are categorised into either 1 or 2 in my 4 weeks which has been interesting. It has been helpful to observe other cases in the Resuscitation room too.  The last 4 weeks has been an amazing opportunity, learning new skills, comparing medical practice and meeting new people.  A huge thank you to the Robin Mitchell Fellowship for this experience.