learnED ... take 2!


learned.rocks ... the new home of learnED!

We’re delighted to welcome you to our menagerie of educational ideas and projects.  Feel free to have a browse and give us a shout with ideas, comments or feedback.  We aim to continue educating people from far and wide through innovation. 

We don’t want to be reinventing the wheel with another FOAMed website – there are already plenty of brill ones around*.  No, we want to hit the sweet spot between education and innovation – eduvation if you will (or innocation – not so good). 
We want to provide the spark that lights up your neurons like wildfire on dry timber. 

So come on in, have a gander, have a ponder, and next time you have a genuinely moving educational eureka moment – because they are out there on the ED shop floor – then let us know.  

Because, contrary to most venereal diseases, we’re more than happy to share the learnED love without any precautions.  (PS: learnED is not a venereal disease.)